Wednesday 24 September 2014

Response to Marina Digipak

In this digipak cover the pop star Marina is purposely positioned to be the main focus as she appears in 3 of the 4 parts of the cover. Additionally she is in a similar position in two of them, one where she stares intensely into the camera that attracts the viewers gaze which is effective as it attempts to makes a personal connection to the viewer/ customer making them want to but the product. Her hair is captured in motion with all 3 of the images which signifies that she is a free, active and happy individual and her music is a lighter tone.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Deconstruction of Pop Video- Roar by Katy Perry

In this pop video I reconstructed I noticed that the large majority of Katy Perry music videos are Narrative based additionally in these videos the star Katy Perry is the the main character in the most of the narrative music videos. This suggests that much of Katy Perry's music videos may reflect her life and her struggles increasing her relation with her audience because it shows that has the similar issues to a normal person.

Deconstruction of Digipak- Marina

Digipak Cover-Questionnaire

For all the people who actively look at my blogs can you please take the moment to answer the questions as it will help me gather more data for my research.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Pop Music Video Questionnaire

Hi there audience for the many who view my blogger, yes that also includes you classmates, teachers and examiners i would like you to complete my survey questionnaire which will be recorded and the data used as research for my upcoming pop music video.

 Thank you

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Response to Lads on Cam

This task was not as simple as I previously anticipated, as I had already used the editing program Final Cut Express I believed it would be a rather straightforward. However at the very start we found that although we believed that we had enough of the footage we ended up running out of footage to put in the video. We decided in order to mend the issue we decided to reuse some pieces of footage using a variety of different effects to hide the fact that it was the same footage. These include cutting, trimming, some effects and moving a video to be upside down which I had not used before in my previous video projects. One major thing which I also learnt what not to do quickly was when shooting Elijahn, Chris, Amil was when trying to imitate the dolly cam movement I had to bend my knees and move as smoothly as I could to achieve a fluid movement from right to left and vice versa, however for our final music video I plan on finding a way to making a more effective equipment to perform better quality camera movement.

Preliminary Task - Lads on Cam

This is a quick video exercise that three others and I created. This was intended to be a rough shoot which we would later improve by creating a simple video while sync it with basic music to facilitate the feel.

Summary of Key Theories Explored